Wednesday, July 30, 2008

so Chris and i haven't been getting a long very well lately.
And with yesterday's earthquake, well needless to say, i've lost it.
I was extremly freaked out with it. I just am not sure where to go from this point.
I don't know. I was talking about going back with my parents when they visit in a few weeks.
Chris said i would be 'letting him down' and that he's really upset about it. which, honestly, doesn't make me feel all that wonderful. I'm really shaken up from yesterday's wonderous event.
I'm not sure how to take it all in. and i've been in CA for 5 years. and not ONE earthquake. Now that the one happened yesterday i'm freaked that, the huge one will take place. and i'm running low on hope..
I took the earthquake as a sign from God. Telling me i need to get my life back on track and figured out. Last night I went outside because i couldn't sleep from being so upset with everything. I went outside and i just prayed. I prayed for strength and for mercy and healing. Strength to get me through the fear of earthquakes. and the fear of chris when he does get angry. also strength to push on with the right discision. Mercy, well more-so forgiveness for not being on the track i'm sure i should be on. and healing from the aftermath of the quakes. anbd how upset i was. boy was i upset.. So being on the 'right track' -----> so yes, go back with my parents. but i can't help but care and think about how upset chris will be.. also i have no money and with the upsetting situation; i doubt chris will pay for it. and my parents are paying for their trip out here. So a lot is running through my mind. and adding to that; Chris still is very temper-mental and has a lot of anger issues.
God help me please..
(any advice, please reply with). i'm running on E with everything.

1 comment:

Lynnae Hoff said...

Marybeth... You are doing the right thing by crying out to God. I challenge you to GIVE YOUR WHOLE LIFE TO HIM. Meaning you have to be willing to give up Everything that you know is not right with God. He will bless you tremendously for that! It's not easy and it may be a hard road, but in the end you will be rewarded and happier by doing God's Will!

I'm praying for you and love you.

Lynnae Hoff